Monday, 17 March 2014

Ray Meagher

Monday 17th, March 2014

Home and Away.
Seven Network
Mobs Lane, Epping
NSW 2121

Dear Ray Meagher,

                 Hello. You’re my favourite Neighbours character. You played Alf. I think you do a really good job, but you’re very angry all the time. Doctors say that being angry is bad for you, because it’s bad for your heart and stuff. I know you’re only pretending to be angry, but do you think it’s still bad for your health? ‘Cause if your heart doesn’t know that you’re acting, it’s probably going to still work in overdrive anyway. Maybe you should act less good so your heart doesn’t get confused. Unless you’re acting ‘from the heart’, in which case it may be already too late.

                Do you think if you were in movies and stuff, people would be able to forget that you’re Alf? I wrote to David Wenham earlier and told him about how everyone still thinks he’s Diver Dan. I told him about how I saw 300 the other day, and I couldn’t believe that he wasn’t Diver Dan.

                Do you still keep in touch with Donald Fisher? If so, why?

                You were in that Snickers advert. Did it take you a long time to learn how to ride the BMX? You should ride a BMX in Home and Away. You could use it to get to work at the Caravan Park every day.

                The website said if I sent you an envelope, I could get your autograph signed onto a photo. I’ll put one in the envelope. My grandma is coming over from England in a few months time. She’ll love that. Home and Away is still pretty big over there.

Why aren’t you proud of your Logie. You should carry it around in the show. Who gets to keep your Logie when you’re done with it? Do you rub it in Donald Fisher’s face whenever you meet up with him? Don’t worry, he hasn’t been in movies either.

Can you send me a Snickers?

Warm regards,



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