Monday, 17 March 2014

David Koch

Monday 17th, March 2014

Channel 7
PO Box 777
NSW 2009


Dear Mr Koch,

                Hello. My name’s Tom. Why does Sunrise have to be on so early? I really want to watch it, but I always miss it because it starts too early. You should get them to put it back, so more people would watch it. That’s why so many people watch football, because of the time. They probably used to play football at 6am as well, but then changed it because none of the players turned up.
                You must be really tired all the time. If I have to get up early in the morning, I’m usually very tired by about five o’clock, and I miss Hot Seat. Are you and Eddie MacGuire rivals? Who do you reckon would win in a quiz between you two?   I guess, probably him, because his quiz has more questions than your Cash Cow quiz.

                If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take one of your co-hosts with you, who would you choose? Sam’s probably the prettiest, but it would also be useful to have that sports guy so you’d have somebody to play beach volleyball with. Unless Sam can also play beach volleyball. I don’t know. I’ll probably write a letter to her and ask if she is any good at beach volley ball.

                Anyway, I better go, because it’s 8pm at night, and you’ve probably got to wake up really early in the morning. Oh! But first, I have a joke you can use for joke book. It goes like this, “What’s the most sincere way to hem the legs of trousers? The Ernest Hemingway”.  Ha ha ha. I’m always laughing at that joke. That’s partly why I got expelled.

                Warmest regards,


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